Summer Term Refunding

Aid Disbursement & Student Refunds 

If you’re not enrolled in eRefunds, please do that now on the eRefunds tab in PittPAY.  If you’re already enrolled, make sure your bank account information is still valid and update it if necessary.   

Refunding for Summer 2024 begins on April 29. When financial aid applies to the student account, it may create a credit balance. Credit balances are refunded to the eRefund bank account the student designates on the eRefund tab in PittPAY.  Refunding is automatic, each weekday. 

Once you see a “Refund” transaction on the Account Activity tab in PittPAY, you know your money is on its way to your bank account. The funds will be made available by your bank within 2-3 business days. 

Complete your loan requirements. 
Make sure your loan requirements are complete so your aid can be released to apply to your account.